It is a Non-Par, Non-Linked, Life, Individual, Pure Risk Plan. It is a pure decreasing Term Assurance Plan wherein the death benefit will reduce over the term of the policy.

Specially Designed to cover Loan Liabilities

Today people are taking loans for various needs. This plan is to cover loan liabilities like Housing / Education / Vehicle etc for providing a safety net against loan repayments to the Insured's Family.

Choice of Loan Interest Rate at the Inception of the Policy


Special Lower Premium Rates for Women

Benefit of Attractive High Sum Assured Rebate

Eligibility Criteria:

Age at Entry18 Year (Last Birthday)45 Years (Last Birthday)
Sum Assured50,00,0005,00,00,000

Death Benefit:

Sum Assured on Death shall be payable on death of Life Assured during Policy Term provided Policy is in force and the claim is admissible.